Abstract |
In 2011, as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology marks its 150th anniversary, we celebrate its heritage of advancing scientific knowledge to benefit American industry and society. A vital factor in fulfilling that mission has been the work of Lincoln Laboratory, which in 2011 commemorates its 60th anniversary of providing cutting-edge systems and technologies in support of the Department of Defense and other federal agencies. Lincoln Laboratory has upheld the Institute-wide tradition of pioneering research. Its first project, the Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) system, not only introduced real-time computer control of a system of geographically distant radars and direction centers but also empowered the emerging computer industry. Over decades, as the Laboratory developed systems for air and missile defense, space and terrestrial surveillance, and laser communications, it again brought to bear remarkable creativity and innovation. To enable these sophisticated systems, the Laboratory also redefined the state of the art in imaging, highperformance computing, signal processing, and decision support tools. These advances have benefited not only the defense industry but a wide range of other firms and sectors as well. Given the shifting character of the threats to national security, Lincoln Laboratory has continually adapted to meet Department of Defense needs, as evidenced by the broad range of its current research and development efforts. This sustained pursuit of innovative solutions to new problems springs from a dedication to excellence and a well-defined vision. |