Abstract |
The U.S. Army continues to answer the Nation's call, as it has since its inception over 235 years ago. As we look to the future, our Army faces a complex and uncertain operational environment that will challenge our Soldiers, leaders, and organizations in many ways. Future enemies are likely to emulate the adaptations of recent opponents while taking advantage of emerging technologies and growing instability to pursue their objectives and avoid what they perceive as U.S. military strengths. The challenges of future armed conflict make it an imperative for our Army to produce leaders and forces that exhibit a high degree of operational adaptability. TRADOC Pam 525-2-1, The U.S. Army Functional Concept for Intelligence, 2016-2028, describes what the Army must do to develop forces capable of conducting intelligence collection, analysis, and dissemination in support of commanders and facilitate understanding of the operational environment, the enemy, terrain, and civil considerations in support of military operations. This concept builds on TRADOC Pam 525-3-0, the ACC, and TRADOC Pam 525- 3-1, the AOC, and outlines the capabilities required to meet the demands of the operational environment as described in the TRADOC Operational Environment 2009-2025. In this way, TRADOC Pam 525-2-1 serves as a foundation for future force development pertaining to intelligence and the intelligence warfighting function. In addition to the warfighting challenges of the future, the Army also faces a number of institutional challenges. The rapid pace of technological change, prolonged acquisition timelines, and growing resource constraints make it necessary for the Army to adopt a more responsive approach to capabilities development. |