Publication Date |
2003 |
Personal Author |
Karoly, S. J.; Dutchyshyn, H.; Wilson, J. W.; Maluda, J. W. |
Page Count |
52 |
Abstract |
The SIAP Implementation Plan states that the overarching objective of the SIAP SE TF is 'to identify incremental improvements in the ... SIAP capability that will provide commensurate incremental improvements in warfighter capabilities' (SIAP Implementation Plan, 2001). Quantification of the SIAP capability in evaluative, predictive, and prescriptive terms is a necessary step towards assessment of such improvements. Multiple measures currently exist to evaluate the SIAP, but there is much overlap and some potential for conflict and confusion between similar measures. Furthermore, many of these existing measures have not been precisely quantified, or have been quantified with no apparent predictive or prescriptive goals in mind. Therefore, there is a clear need to consolidate and more rigorously define a core set of attributes, which provide the joint community with a common point of departure for quantifying and assessing a SIAP. These attributes must be traceable to Theater Air and Missile Defense (TAMD) and Combat Identification (OID) Capstone Requirements Document (CRD) Key Performance Parameters (KPPs), augmenting the latter where either quantitative precision or a sharper focus on warfighting benefit is necessary. The SIAP SE TF Technical Reports 2001-001, 2001-002, 2001-003, and 2002-007 were developed by the SIAP SE TF to correct for the deficiencies cited above by providing a standard set of definitions and algorithms for quantitative evaluation of air picture quality within the TAMD community. The measures apply to models, simulations, hardware and software in the loop experiments, operator in the loop exercises, and field exercises and evaluations. This revision is based on experience gained within the community from application of those technical reports across the spectrum of those venues. |
Keywords |
Source Agency |
Corporate Authors |
Single Integrated Air Picture System Engineering Task Force, Arlington, VA. |
Supplemental Notes |
Supersedes SIAP SE TF TR-2001-001, Version 1.0, dated Jun 2001, ADA397215. |
Document Type |
Technical Report |
Title Note |
Technical rept. |
NTIS Issue Number |
200408 |