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Water Hammer and Mass Oscillation (WHAMO) 3.0 User's Manual.


Publication Date 1998
Personal Author Fitzgerald, R.; Van Blaricum, V. L.
Page Count 256
Abstract Fluid distribution systems and hydropower plants can be severely damaged by water hammer, a forceful slam, bang, or shudder caused by a sudden change in fluid pressure within the system. Water hammer can be mitigated by designing and operating these systems to minimize sudden changes in water velocity, which lie at the root of water hammer problems. WHAMO 3.0, a modeling and simulation application for desktop computers, was specifically developed for this purpose. WHAMO provides dynamic simulation of fluid distribution Systems and hydropower plants. It calculates the time-varying flow and head in networks comprised of pipes, valves, pumps, tanks, and turbomachines. WHAMO Version 3.0 is a major upgrade that implements a graphical user interface for operation under Microsoft Windows 95. This report gives procedures and examples for the use of the WHAMO program, and includes a complete command reference plus documentation of the algorithms upon which WHAMO is based.
  • Computer programs
  • Water distribution
  • Water hammer
  • Pipes
  • Hydroelectric power plants
  • Computerized simulation
  • User manuals
  • Graphical user interface
  • Fluid distribution systems
  • Whamo(Water hammer and mass oscillation)
Source Agency
  • Non Paid ADAS
Corporate Authors Construction Engineering Research Lab. (Army), Champaign, IL.
Document Type Technical Report
Title Note Final rept.
NTIS Issue Number 199915
Water Hammer and Mass Oscillation (WHAMO) 3.0 User's Manual.
Water Hammer and Mass Oscillation (WHAMO) 3.0 User's Manual.

  • Computer programs
  • Water distribution
  • Water hammer
  • Pipes
  • Hydroelectric power plants
  • Computerized simulation
  • User manuals
  • Graphical user interface
  • Fluid distribution systems
  • Whamo(Water hammer and mass oscillation)
  • Non Paid ADAS