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Relative Structural Considerations for Protection from Injury and Fatality at Various Overpressures.


Publication Date 1977
Personal Author Longinow, A.; Wiedermann, A.
Page Count 133
Abstract This report contains the results of a study concerned with producing casualty (injury and fatality) relationships for people located in conventional buildings when subjected to the direct effects produced by nuclear weapons. People survivability estimates for people located in conventional basements of multistory buildings subjected to blast effects of megaton range nuclear weapons are presented. Results are for full basements with two-way reinforced concrete overhead floor systems supported on steel beams. The transient velocity field that may exist in such basements is modeled and used to determine the response of individuals located within. Two models having different levels of sophistication are used to simulate individuals. Results are used in part to gauge the adequacy of the simpler model. The more sophisticated model is subsequently used to examine two closely related problems. The first considers the influence of anthropometric variation of individuals on the general nature of the blast translation problem (in the tumbling mode) and the severity of the resulting impact with floor and walls. The second examines the tumbling characteristics of individuals in a series of representative flow environments.
  • Nuclear warfare casualties
  • Wounds and injuries
  • Blast waves
  • Overpressure
  • Survival(Personnel)
  • Buildings
  • Structural response
  • Blast loads
  • Fallout shelters
  • Civil defense
  • Anthropometry
  • Mathematical analysis
Source Agency
  • Non Paid ADAS
NTIS Subject Category
  • 91I - Emergency Services & Planning
  • 74H - Nuclear Warfare
Corporate Authors Iit Research Inst Chicago Ill
Document Type Technical Report
Title Note Final rept. 17 Jun 75-18 May 77.
NTIS Issue Number 197808
Contract Number
  • DCPA01-75-C-0325
Relative Structural Considerations for Protection from Injury and Fatality at Various Overpressures.
Relative Structural Considerations for Protection from Injury and Fatality at Various Overpressures.

  • Nuclear warfare casualties
  • Wounds and injuries
  • Blast waves
  • Overpressure
  • Survival(Personnel)
  • Buildings
  • Structural response
  • Blast loads
  • Fallout shelters
  • Civil defense
  • Anthropometry
  • Mathematical analysis
  • Non Paid ADAS
  • 91I - Emergency Services & Planning
  • 74H - Nuclear Warfare
  • DCPA01-75-C-0325