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Debris Distribution.


Publication Date 1966
Personal Author Feinstein, D. I.
Page Count 2
Abstract This study is a continuation of the ''Debris Clearance Study.'' That study developed methods of estimating gross debris accumulation in various types of urban areas, based on total structural demolition and uniform distribution of the debris over a given size area. The present study makes use of several of the tools developed in the previous report and expanded herein to more accurately predict the debris distribution. Structural fragmentation is defined for a particular set of blast and structural parameters. The trajectories of the transportable material are calculated, and the distribution of this material is found by size as well as mass. In order to establish the credibility of the fragmentation theories which were developed, a series of experiments were conducted on brittle beams under dynamic loading. A sample problem is worked out that utilizes the above techniques on a hypothetical building to illustrate how the building's debris distribution may appear under various conditions of building height and fragment size distribution. (Author)
  • Nuclear explosion damage
  • Debris
  • Urban areas
  • Distribution
  • Structures
  • Demolition
NTIS Subject Category
  • 94H - Industrial Safety Engineering
  • 74D - Chemical, Biological, & Radiological Warfare
  • 77D - Nuclear Explosions & Devices
Corporate Authors Iit Research Inst Chicago Ill Technology Center
Supplemental Notes See also AD-422 319.
Document Type Technical Report
Title Note Research rept. (final).
NTIS Issue Number 196618
Contract Number
  • OCD-PS-64-50
Debris Distribution.
Debris Distribution.

  • Nuclear explosion damage
  • Debris
  • Urban areas
  • Distribution
  • Structures
  • Demolition
  • 94H - Industrial Safety Engineering
  • 74D - Chemical, Biological, & Radiological Warfare
  • 77D - Nuclear Explosions & Devices
  • OCD-PS-64-50