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Use of the Seeler Resuscitator in Man.


Publication Date 1955
Personal Author Hickman, J. B.; Sieker, H. O.; Pryor, W. W.; Frayser, R.
Page Count 59
Abstract This report covers three topics relating to the Seeler resuscitator. Equations have been developed by means of which it is possible to describe a complete respiratory cycle of the resuscitator and to examine the results of change in the major variables of the subject resuscitator system. Particular attention has been devoted to the problem of providing adequate ventilation to a person with a high respiratory resistance. The successful use of the Seeler resuscitator in cases of carbon dioxide narcosis is described. These patients have an high resistance and a low pulmonary compliance. Since they simulate in this respect persons with 'nerve gas' poisoning, they are valuable subjects for testing the effectiveness of a resuscitator. Some observations are made on the effects on arterial blood pressure and cerebral venous blood oxygen of inducing hypocapnia by over ventilation during resuscitation.
  • Respirators
  • Artificial respiration
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Humans
Source Agency
  • Non Paid Delimited ADS
  • Delimited-No Subject Categories Batch C
Corporate Authors Duke Univ., Durham, NC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 198111
Contract Number
  • AF33 616 441
Use of the Seeler Resuscitator in Man.
Use of the Seeler Resuscitator in Man.

  • Respirators
  • Artificial respiration
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Humans
  • Non Paid Delimited ADS
  • Delimited-No Subject Categories Batch C
  • AF33 616 441