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Bioinspired Surface Treatments for Improved Decontamination: Commercial Products.
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Evaluation of Coatings for FR-4 Fiberglass Epoxy Composite Probes.
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Anti-Icing Chitin Coating System Development.
Bowers-Irone, G. L; Miller, C. T; Pryor, R. J. | ADA221054 | 1990 | 19 pages |   |
Evaluation of EA-934NA with 2.5 Percent Cab-O-Sil.
Caldwell, G. A. | N9027909 | 1990 | 19 pages | |
THERMOD Composite Airframe Termperature Prediction Tool Evaluation, Validation, and Enhancement with Initial Steady-State Temperature Data.
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Galvanic Coupling Between D6ac Steel, 6061-T6 Aluminum, Inconel 718 and Graphite-Epoxy Composite Material: Corrosion Occurrence and Prevention.
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Reactor surface contamination stabilization. Innovative technology summary report.
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Evaluation of Several Corrosion Protective Coating Systems on Aluminum.
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Identification and Laboratory Assessment of Best Practices to Protect DOT Equipment from the Corrosive Effect of Chemical Deicers.
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Bioinspired Surface Treatments for Improved Decontamination: Deposition Variations.
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Anti-Icing Chitin Coating System Development.
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Corrosion Protection of 2219-T87 Aluminum by Organic and Inorganic Zinc-Rich Primers.
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Corrosion Protection of 2219-T87 Aluminum by Organic and Inorganic Zinc-Rich Primers.
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Mechanism of Fungal Degradation in Military Aircraft Coatings.
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Modification of Copeyon's Drilling Technique for Making Artificial Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Cavities.
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Fluid-Thermal-Structural Interactions in Ramp-Induced Shock-Wave Boundary-Layer Interactions at Mach 6.
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Aerothermal Evaluation of the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster and Solid Rocket Motor Thermal Protection System.
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Y2O3 Based Spray-On Cryogenic Thermal Control Coating Study.
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Hypersonic Fluid-Thermal-Structural Interactions on a Compression Ramp with an Embedded Compliant Panel.
Schöneich, A. G; Laurence, S. J; Dettenrieder, F; Bodony, D. J; Buck, G. M; Weisberger, J. M; Bathel, B. F. | N230006431 | 2023 | 16 pages |   |
Studies of Carbon Nanotubes.
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Standard Operating Procedure for the Preparation of Lead-Containing Paint Films and Lead-in-Paint Diagnostic Test Materials.
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Materials Compatibility Testing in RSRM ODC: Free Cleaner Selection.
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Fluid-Thermal-Structural Interactions in Ramp-Induced Shock-Wave Boundary-Layer Interactions at Mach6.
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Experimental/Computational Investigation of the Response of a Compliant Panel to Turbulent and Transitional Shock Wave/Boundary Layer Interactions in Hypersonic Flow.
STUART, L. | AD1190047 | 2022 | 11 pages |   |